Welcome to Mastermind Playgroup!
“Small schools that do big things”
Together unlocking the potential of every child, inspiring children, improving lives.We believe that we can achieve this aspiration through our key beliefs which are expressed in our school motto (COGS): Communication Ownership Growth Success.
Like every cog in a machine, that needs to work together for that machine to function properly, each and every one of our school community is a cog which needs to work together as a team to achieve success for all.
Our Aims show what we are trying to achieve:
- To inspire a love of learning
- To provide a rich, relevant and challenging curriculum for all
- To promote a sense of belonging and to contribute positively to our school, community and wider society
- To deliver high quality teaching and learning that builds reflective lifelong learners
- To build positive relationships, respecting others and their beliefs
- To support children to be happy and confident, so they achieve their potential.
Director's Message
“The key to education is building character and developing capability.”
Education is about more than imparting knowledge. It is about building character and Empowering each individual to be an enthusiastic life-long learner and a global citizen of the future.”
The educational philosophies practised in Masterming Playgroup include the early years Inquire-Think-Learn approach inspired by the Indian ideologies, Finnish methodologies, GSEB curriculum guidelines, Value Based Education program – the UK and the 21 st century global skills learning inquiry model.
Dr. Jinal Joshi
Principal's Welcome
‘Mastermind Playgroup’ is a thriving and exciting environment for your children, where learning is at the centre of everything.
Our school motto:
Communication Ownership Growth Success spells out COGS, demonstrating that everyone in our school community works closely together.
We have a very committed staff team and governing body, as well as wonderful children who love learning and enjoy school. We believe that children need to be happy and safe to achieve their potential.
We regularly celebrate children’s talents and achievements in and outside of school, and we are proud of our range of clubs, teams and extra-curricular activities. Throughout their time at Mastermind Playgroup, we encourage all of our children to develop lifelong learning skills.
If you would like to visit our school, you will be very welcome. Please contact us to make an appointment.’
Ms. Vandana Bhatia
At Mastermind Playgroup every kid’s personality is used to his/her advantage in a way they can learn, gorw, build self-esteem, and develop their imagination. Our approach nurtures every aspect of a kid’s developemnt. Our curriculum supports Value Based Education, the theory is based on reaserch about how we learn as we encounter problems and seek solutions.
The foundation of this theory is that we are able to know the world through 8 different “Intelligences” or “Smarts”. Everyone is unique in how we use each of these intelligences and the ways in which we combine them to carry out tasks an solve issues.
Our curriculum provides oppertunities for kid’s to develop their brains and abilities through differnt approaches, materials, and experinces.
Domains of Development
Physical Development
- To develop skilss in balance & co-ordination.
- Maintain balance in motion.
- Gain body control & balance.
- Learn to play together.
- To enhance eye-hand co-ordination.
Cognitive development
- To develop skills of classification & differntiation.
- To develop memory power.
- To understand the concept of sequence.
- To solve simple puzzles.
- To increase hikning & reasoning skills.
Socio-emotional Development
- To be fairly independent.
- To learn to share and care.
- To build self-confidence.
- To listen to others & share ideas.
- To co-operate in group activities.
Language Development
- To use proper vocabulary.
- To development writing skills.
- To develop clear pronunciation.
- To solve simple riddles.
- To enhance imagination.
- To encourage reading.
1. Everyone must co-operate towards the maintenance of cleanliness in the school.
2. The student should come in clean, well ironwed and complete uniform on all days
of the week.
3. A student who often comes without proper uniform or with dirty uniform will be
dealt appropriately.
4. student should not pluck flowers or leaves of any plant from the school premises.
5. student should not bring valuable thing at all to the school.
6. student suffering from contagious or infectious disease will not be permitted to
attend the class.
7. check the dairy for remark if any, by the teacher or principal and sign it.
8. parents are requested to inform the school if there is any change in their address
and phone number.
9. parents are required to co-operate with school in its attempt to help their children
progress by paying attention to their regularity, punctuality and discipline and take
interest in their child’s work. They should check the almanc every day and not the
homework and other instructions given.
10. once a student attends He school he/she will not be allowed to go home before
the school get over. Incash of any social function or appointment with doctor parents
are requested Not to send the student to at all.
11. Valuable articles like gold/silver Jewellery (chain/danglers) are strictly prohibited
in the school.
All the pupils must abide by the school rules of conduct and discipline and must
bear in mind the following points.
1. Be a regular scholar, come to school in clean and tidy school uniform.
2. Extend your help in keeping the classroom and the school campus clean. Don’t
scatter bits of paper on the floor. If you find any, remove them. Neither spoil the
walls nor damage the school furniture and other properties. Any damage will
be made good by the person responsible.
3. While moving please take care not to disturb other classes. Always move in a
4. Take care of your own things and don’t loose them. Don’t bring valuables to the
school. School is not responsible for the loss of your things.
5. Your work and conduct should be such that it brings a good name to the school.
6. Enter home work in your Calendar and do the work regularly. Follow up the
corrections & suggestions by the teacher.
7. Students suffering from contagious or infectious disease will not be allowed to
attend the school.
8. Every bonafied student of the school is entitled and expected to make use of
the library.
9. Tours, excursions & picnics are arranged by the school and every student is
expected to attend without any excuse.
10. All students are expected to participate actively in extra curricular activities.
Adequate weightage for participation will be given in final result.
11. In genuine circumstances only the pupil can leave the premises with the
permission of the principal.
Aim of the School
1. Physical intellectual and aesthetic development of the personality.
2. Development of self confidence to innovate and to face unfamiliar situations.
3. Developing moral and social values.
4. Fostering love for the fellow beings the motherland and its rice and ancient cultual
and spiritual heritage.
5. Developing creativeness.
6. Motivate to child work as member of team.
School Hours
Timings (Monday to Friday):
Playgroup: 08:10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Nursery, Jr. K.G. & Sr. K.G.: 08:25 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.
Visiting Hours: 09:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. only on Saturday
To Meet Principal: 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. only by prior appointment
Administrative Office: 07:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on working days for Fee-Payment
School Uniform
Monday to Saturday :
For Boys: Half sleeve Sky Blue T-Shirt and Navey Blue pant Black Shoes
Navey Blue Socks.
For Girls: Half sleeve Sky Blue T-Shirt and Checks skirt Black shoes and
Navey blues socks