Indoor/Outdoor Activities
Healthy Food
A Positive Approach To Healthy Diets
- We believe that it is extremely important to promote a healthy lifestyle which will help your child on their way to live a long and healthy life. Diet and exercise are key elements within our healthy lifestyle policy.
- We recognise the positive effects of drinking water, good nutrition and exercise on children’s well-being and the importance this has on their development.
- We provide freshly prepared home cooked food which encourages the children to make healthy choices and experience a broad range of different foods and tastes.
- We also give due consideration to special diets including children who require a separate menu due to medical, cultural or for allergy reasons. We provide alternative food and personalised menus for children with dietary requirements.
- We include food as part of the curriculum, ensuring that our chefs don’t just prepare the food they also educate the children about the foods ingredients and its preparation.
Daily Tasty Meals
Now day’s children are attracted to junk food and it is difficult to parents give them healthy and nutrition’s food but in our Master mind we take care of their health, nutrition and hygiene. We give them healthy and homely food every day. Details are below:
Meal Plans
Our nutritionally balanced menu is freshly prepared on site by our superb nursery cooks. Our meals are designed to minimise the use of sugar and other additives, we never add salt and serves a minimum of four portions of fruit and veg each day.
At Mastermind, We provide healthy snacks for your child such as fresh fruit, Sandwiches, dry-fruits and many more different food items.
At Mastermind, we provide healthy beverages such as Milk, Buttermilk, Fresh fruit juices.
Meal Roles
- Ensure that any meals, snacks or drinks provided are healthy, balanced and nutritious
- Ensure that those responsible for the preparation and handling of food are properly trained, equipped and competent
- Implement food safety policies by having effective management of food safety systems
- Ensure that all food is stored, prepared, cooked and served in a hygienic and competent way in compliance with all food safety legislation and best practice
- Obtain, record and act on information from parents about a child’s dietary needs
- Ensure that all staff are aware of their responsibilities under food hygiene legislation including registration with the relevant Local Authority Environmental Health Department
- Keep careful records of all food hygiene activities conducted.
- The weekly snack and meal menu will be on display in advance
- The weekly menu will provide children with a varied, healthy and nutritionally balanced diet
- All children will be offered suitable foods, including children with special dietary requirements and allergies
- Early session children who do not receive breakfast at home will be offered this when they arrive, in agreement with parents or guardians
- Milk or water will be served with morning and afternoon snacks
- Water will be available at all times
- Milk, water or diluted fresh fruit juice will be served with the main meal
- Children will be allowed to have second helpings of fruit or milk-based desserts if available
- Children will still receive dessert if they refuse their main course
- Parents or guardians will be advised if their child is not eating well
- Advice will be given to parents or guardians about suitable food to bring from home, including suitable party foods and healthy options for packed lunches
- Parents of children who are on special diets will be asked to provide as much written information as possible about suitable foods, and in some cases may be asked to provide the food themselves
- Carers will sit with children while they eat and will provide a good role model for healthy eating
- Withholding food will never be used as a form of punishment or coercion and food will not be used as an incentive for good behavior
- Children will be encouraged to develop good eating skills and table manners and will be given plenty of time to eat.
- Support developing independence and confidence when children are table setting and clearing.
- Encourage children to try foods offered
- Use meal times as an opportunity to talk about healthy eating
- Teach table manners,i.e to be seated, to encourage children not to talk with food in their mouths, to give children enough time to eat, to encourage children to use please and thank you
- Encourage health and safety when eating e.g. using utensils
- Drinking water in jugs and cups are available at all times to children, to promote children’s self help skills
- To take turns, setting tables and clearing tables
- To learn to use a knife and fork and spoon appropriately
- To develop skills and increase knowledge of healthy eating through exploration and cooking and discussion
- To share experiences with peers and adults
- To develop social skills with reference to their age and stage of development
- To develop understanding of healthy foods and confidence to explore new tastes